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Revolutionize Your Event with a Mobile Event App

May 8, 2023 9:58:26 AM


Are you looking to enhance the attendee experience, increase exhibitor visibility, and facilitate better networking opportunities at your upcoming physical event? Investing in a mobile event app may be the perfect solution for you!

The top 4 benefits of the right mobile event app are…

  • Increase attendee engagement by up to 50%
  • Save 223 hours of staff time
  • Reduce printing costs by 90%
  • Increase sponsorship revenue by up to 32%

Mobile event and conference apps can have a significant impact on the success of your event, from increasing attendee engagement and exhibitor ROI to reducing costs and increasing event attendance. By investing in a mobile event or conference app, you can provide your attendees with a seamless and interactive event experience, ultimately leading to a more successful event.

With a mobile event app, you can take your event to the next level by providing attendees with an easy-to-use platform that allows them to stay informed, connect with exhibitors, and engage with other attendees.

Here are just a few of the features and benefits that the Map D mobile event app can provide for your next event or conference:

  1. Consistent experience for all your events year-round: Use the same app for all your events, providing attendees with a consistent experience year-round.

  2. Push notifications: Keep attendees up to date with real-time updates, such as session changes and speaker announcements.

  3. Exhibitor connections: Allow attendees to connect with exhibitors by providing calendar links and booking meeting functionality.

  4. Advertising opportunities: Offer exhibitors and sponsors advertising opportunities within the app, such as banner ads and sponsored push notifications.

  5. API/embed onto your website: Seamlessly integrate the event mobile app onto your event website with API integration or an embedded code.

  6. Branded for your organization: Customize your app to match your organization’s branding.

  7. Live polls: Engage attendees with live polls and surveys, allowing them to provide feedback and interact with presenters.

  8. Interactive location lists: Provide attendees with interactive maps and location lists, making it easy for them to navigate your event.


Our mobile event app puts you in the driver’s seat! You can customize it like a pro with our intuitive interface. Preview live as you build, change layouts, and add your brand colors, logos, and icons with ease. And if you need to make last-minute changes, any updates in the admin portal automatically update the mobile event app!

Ready to take your event or conference to the next level? Book a demo with us today and learn how a mobile event app can help you enhance attendee engagement, increase exhibitor visibility, and facilitate better networking opportunities.

This summer, be on the lookout for our two new mobile app upgrades: Gamification and Networking.

Map D held a webinar recently, that highlighted our mobile event app! To receive access to the on-demand video, click here! Want to learn more about how Map D can support your next event? Schedule a demo today!



Vanessa LaClair, CAE, CMP 

VP Event Solutions & Community Engagement 
Map D 
Having been involved in association management and volunteer leadership for more than 20 years, Vanessa LaClair is a leader in the association space, bringing deep domain and industry knowledge as a CAE (Certified Association Executive) and CMP (Certified Meeting Professional) and most recently serving as the Executive Director of the Empire State Society of Association Executives (ESSAE). At Map D, Vanessa is focused on event solutions and community engagement, expanding our current market reach through training and development, building strategic partnerships and customer success initiatives. 

Map D

Written by Map D

Map D transforms complex event production into a simplified and easy-to-use experience.


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