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Energize Your Event with Fresh Sponsors and Cutting-Edge Technologies

May 16, 2023 4:50:12 PM


As an experienced event organizer, you know firsthand how hard it can be to run a successful conference or event year after year. In today's competitive landscape, events must create meaningful experiences to stand out and maintain relevance. Attracting new sponsors and integrating cutting-edge technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR) and interactive floor plans, are essential components to achieve this.

In this blog post, I will discuss strategies for appealing to new sponsors and explore how incorporating these event technologies can not only drive engagement and revenue but also create unforgettable experiences for your attendees. With a bit of persistence and creativity, you can breathe new life into your event and continue to thrive in the ever-evolving event landscape.


  • Reimagine your event's purpose and audience: Start by reevaluating your event's purpose and target audience. Are there any new trends or demographics you could cater to? By updating your event's focus, you can connect with potential sponsors who share the same interests and passions.
  • Show off your event's track record: Use your event's history as an advantage when pitching to potential sponsors. Highlight attendance figures, media coverage, and glowing testimonials. Remind them that you're a pro at building long-term relationships with sponsors.
  • Get innovative with sponsorship opportunities: Step up your sponsorship game by offering unique opportunities. Think exclusive speaking engagements, cool workshops, and tech-driven experiences like AR and interactive floorplans. These creative ideas will pique the interest of potential sponsors.
  • Incorporate Augmented Reality for immersive experiences: AR can provide an immersive and interactive experience for attendees, driving engagement and generating buzz. Offer sponsors the chance to create branded AR experiences, such as product demonstrations or virtual tours. This not only boosts their visibility but also adds a wow factor to your event.
  • Use interactive floorplans to enhance navigation and engagement: Interactive floorplans help attendees navigate your event with ease, promoting a seamless experience. Offer sponsors premium booth locations or highlighted spots on the floorplan, making their presence more prominent. This drives foot traffic to their booths, resulting in increased engagement and revenue potential.
  • Network within your industry to identify potential sponsors: Leverage your existing network to find potential new sponsors, by attending industry events, joining online forums, and engaging with influencers on social media. This not only helps you discover potential sponsors but also keeps you informed about industry trends and emerging technologies.
  • Personalize your pitch to address the sponsor's goals: Customize your pitch to show how your event can help potential sponsors achieve their objectives. Emphasize the unique exposure and networking opportunities your event offers, particularly highlighting the tech-driven elements that will attract a broader audience.
  • Nurture relationships with existing sponsors while seeking new ones: Don't forget to maintain strong relationships with your current partners while scouting for new sponsors. Keep them informed about your event's growth and any changes you're making, including the incorporation of new technologies like AR and interactive floorplans.

Revamping your event by attracting new sponsors and embracing innovative technologies like Augmented Reality and interactive floorplans is an exciting and rewarding process. These additions will not only drive engagement and revenue but also generate buzz and create unforgettable, meaningful experiences for everyone involved.

Remember to keep communication open and friendly with both new and existing sponsors, as strong relationships contribute to the long-term success of your event. Armed with these tips and a focus on creating meaningful experiences, you're well on your way to reigniting your event's spark and making it the talk of the industry once more.

Happy organizing!

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Chris Sikes
Map D

Map D

Written by Map D

Map D transforms complex event production into a simplified and easy-to-use experience.


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