You may have seen one of these images on the back of your favorite shampoo bottle or vending machine beverage, but these new-age barcodes are much more than what meets the eye.
These images—QR or "Quick Response" codes—are 2D matrix barcodes that, when scanned, link consumers to business web pages, emails, contact information, and more. This is a great new way to provide yet another form of interaction with attendees or exhibitors at your next trade show.
QR Codes work in virtually the same way as linear barcodes except that they have the ability to store much more information. First, a phone must be able to scan QR codes; there are many options including specialized apps and some phones can scan with the camera app.
Then simply by scanning the barcode with your smartphone camera while using the app, the coded URL, bookmark, or phone call is automatically launched.
In order for your business to successfully use QR Codes at your next trade show, you need to use a QR Code generator. This is an easy, free online system and, again, there are many options that will fit your business needs. More and more QR generators are being created every day, but listed below is an option that I think is the easiest to get started with:
Literally anywhere. You can place QR Codes anywhere from the back of labels and business cards to canvas bags and t-shirts. Because your QR Code can be used over and over again, it is beneficial to put them everywhere you desire. For trade shows, I suggest printing a large-sized QR Code and suspending it in clear sight of the trade show floor. The QR Codes I find most attractive and interesting are ones that ask the audience a question like, "What's this?" or ones that command the audience to take action like, "Scan me."
If you're an exhibitor, I suggest you place your generated QR Codes on your give-a-ways, if applicable, in addition to having a code at your booth. This way, attendees can refer back to your company website, contact number, or any other information your choose after the show very quickly and easily.
If you're a show manager, the most beneficial location for your QR Code would be near the entrance or by concession and rest areas, on name badges, or on booth signage. Because you are able to reference web pages with QR Codes, you could link a trade show map of all registered booths. With a QR Code, attendee smartphones could be turned into compact maps with a simple scan! QR Codes are also a great way to advertise your sponsors.
No matter where you use them or what you link them to, QR Codes are the newest way to increase traffic to your business both during and after your trade show!